Category Archives: Angel News

Angel News May 23 – How to Have More Self Respect to Power Up and Shine!

How to Have More Self-Respect to Power Up and Shine!

The subject of having “Self Respect” came through for this month and I wanted to drop in with some insights on how to have more self-respect to help you Power Up!   It’s a bit of a long read but you may find it helpful to assist your journey, particularly if you are of a natural giving nature and tend to put others before yourself!  

Plus in these times where there can be so much going on in the outside world to distract us or even misguide us from our true power, it’s important that we come back to ourselves and honor who we are in regards to self-respect.

Self-respect is loving yourself and treating yourself with care. It’s the result of staying true to your values and not being willing to compromise. The more you engage in behaviors consistent with your beliefs and values, the more you’ll feel fulfilled, dignified, and confident on your path.

There have in the past been occasions where I have disrespected myself and gone along with something that was not aligned with my truth and inner values.  When I did this, I doubted myself and felt very out of sorts too.  This led me to not feel that good about myself,  which was a key indicator I didn’t take my inner truth and needs into consideration. 

However, when I woke up to what I was doing, I then took responsibility and stepped onto the path of transformation so I could gain greater self-respect and a higher level of dignity to feel more empowered about who I was and what I could do going forward that served me more. 

For info below are some signs of having a lack of self-respect

1. Not caring enough about your health and well-being (be it physical, mental, and/or emotional)

2. Having weak boundaries or no boundaries! 

3. People pleasing

4. Trying to fit in when really you are meant to “stand out” to be different

5. Not being good at saying “No” to the demands of others

6. Putting up with abusive behavior be it emotional, physical, or mental

7. Blaming yourself for everything that may go wrong in your life

8. Focusing on your negatives traits too much and thus putting yourself down

9. Feeling inferior and not good enough

10. Overly compliant and conforming

11. Joking about yourself in negative ways

12. Having low standards 

13. Being disrespected by others (and also disrespecting others too)

When we don’t have respect for ourselves, we will attract situations, life experiences, and people who will disrespect us and that can occur in many guises!   


These experiences in themselves can be seen as life lessons to help wake us up to the fact we are disrespecting ourselves.  And as much as these lessons can be the hard life knocks it’s worth remembering in the bigger picture, life always has our back and wants us to SEE what’s going on so we can change it and transform ourselves to power up and attract the life blessings we deserve.  

So for instance, if a person has weak boundaries, unfortunately, some people who don’t really have other people’s interests in their hearts can sense that and WILL take advantage of that person who can end up being like a doormat to be walked over and manipulated.

In the long run, if we have no self-respect and continue to do so, our confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem can also take a dive and this can lead to all sorts of problems some being:  anxiety, depression, not trusting, believing in ourself, relationship issues, always feeling like we are second or even third best and thus not living in our fullest potential to be happy and fulfilled in our own life.  

A lack of self-respect can occur for many reasons, it can often be linked to past childhood issues, such as trauma, abuse, abandonment, and neglect, etc but also in older life experiences where something occurs with others over a period of time that gradually erodes any level of “self-respect” which can cause a massive power drain!

As mentioned in previous newsletters, I have spoken of the violet energy for 2023 being the year of truth and revealing to help us know who we are deep down as Divine beings and know the power that we can hold with that.  And its light is shining down to uncover any “untruths” and ‘deceptions” on the worldwide scale but also on the smaller personal scale in our own life.

The most important message I keep getting for us is to go within and work on any aspects that are not serving our highest good for our personal well-being and life satisfaction.  The reason to come back to self is we can’t immediately change the “bigger picture world play” but do have the free will and inner power to change aspects of ourselves and our own game of life. (Which in the long run does impact the bigger picture in a good way when we do this for ourselves). 



Focusing on our own life and ourselves is most important, and we are being asked to look within and see where we are not being true to ourselves or are not being aligned to “truth” either. Because being misaligned does not help as we are shrouded in self-deception and that drains our energy and lowers our vibrational frequency and ultimately weakens us!  

The 2023 violet energy is a very tough energy to deal with because it really does throw a light on anything that is not authentic and aligned with who we truly are.  It stirs the pot big time and shines light onto our shadows. It is doing this to help us, so we can see what we need to see to awaken more. And then it shines to support any change needed to heal any aspects linked to what’s not aligned with our inner truth, so can feel whole and truly empowered and able to shine brighter. 

Therefore if we have a good level of self-respect, we can accept ourselves (warts and all) and are empowered to feel good about who we are to be able to move forward on our path feeling confident that our intentions are coming from the right place aligned to higher truths and integral values.


For info a little note on values:

Our values are the things that we believe are important in the way we live and work. They can and ought to determine our priorities, and deep down, they’re probably the measures we use to tell if our life is turning out the way we want it to be.  
Our values can determine how we behave in our life, their energy runs via our subconscious mind and then our thoughts to initiate and affect our behaviors. 
Our values also operate via a hierarchy system in our mindset and we can have a top 10 Value List.

So for instance, if our top value is around “Family”, we will put family first and do what we can to make sure our family is loved and cared for before anything else. The saying “family comes first” is very linked to this value.
If we have a high value linked to money, we may do whatever we can to get more of it, to use it, and our time and energy will be focused on gaining more, which isn’t a bad thing if say we have a family value above this on the hierarchy scale because the money will help the family survive and thrive.
But if money is the main priority i.e. at the very top, then the focus on money takes over and family and any other values below it may be neglected for the sake of getting more money.  The saying “just for the love of money” is linked to this. 

Values and their hierarchy system are interesting to look at in regard to self-respect.  In the past, I have taken people through a technique to determine what their top 10 values are and what order they are in to see if they are aligned with how they want to be, and how they want their life to unfold. Because sometimes some values may not be the ideal ones to have or they may not be in the best hierarchy order to help improve aspects of their life.  With this discovery work, other work can then be done on the value system to transform it so the system works optimally to initiate greater results and successful living.

Having a healthy set of values in a good hierarchy order also increases our levels of self-respect because we act in ways aligned with those values and have better life results and can feel good about ourselves too. 

Some values linked to self-respect are “truth, honesty, integrity, health/well-being, self-love, compassion, and empathy, etc.   If we don’t have that for ourselves, we won’t have a good level of self-respect and may experience disrespect from others and may even disrespect others too. It plays out via our behaviors and interactions with others. 

By having a decent amount of self-respect, we truly are powered up in our soul’s light and can boldly walk forward in our life confidently with integrity to achieve what we want to achieve, knowing we are in alignment with our inner truth.   And then we also gain the respect of others too. 

Self Respect is important to think about as our world is changing rapidly and we need to know what is truly right for us in our lives and what is not and that is our responsibility to do that. 

If we do not respect ourselves, we may not be able to make good decisions and thus we rely on others to do that for us. And can easily be coerced and manipulated into doing things we don’t want to do which is not good for us at all! 

We are here on Earth right now to awaken to the truth of who we are and use our Divine power wisely and with integrity.  When we do this, so many good shifts occur for ourselves and others too to help to build a better future for us all. 

We all deserve to be respected, but first, we must respect ourselves! 

Here is a message from Archangel Michael about Self-respect to “Power Up from Within”


Beloved One,
I am supporting your quest for happiness, health,  true purpose, and abundance by advising you to respect and love yourself. If there are any dysfunctional aspects with how you are living your life, know that these can affect how you feel about yourself and erode your inner power and dim your light and cause issues in your life. 

It’s time to truly honor who you are as a Divine Being and co-creator of your life; you deserve respect for yourself in all ways possible. When you do this, others will respect that too and life can move in the direction you want it to go and you will feel empowered and lit up from within. 

Let go of behaviors, ways of being, and thinking that you know deep down aren’t healthy or right for you, as any guilt or shame erodes your self-respect and disempowers you. 

And remember on the flip side, stand in your true power and insist that others treat you with respect too!

Prayer to help:  Dear God, thank you for helping me see myself as you see me:  through the eyes of love.  Thank you for honoring and respecting me – please guide me to do the same for myself, and grant me the courage to speak up on my own behalf.  I ask for your Divine protection and encouragement to stay in my power in all of my interactions with others so that I am surrounded by loving, trustworthy, and kind people who respect me for who I am and I do the same for them.

With Love and Angel Blessings 

I hope that helped you 🙂

End Note: 
If you feel you have low levels of self-respect or are being disrespected and want to do something about it. You are more than welcome to reach out to me for an informal chat to see what work can be done to help you gain greater self-respect to empower yourself to help you shine brighter, create better living situations, improve relationships, and have greater success.   There are a number of modalities from angel alchemy energy healing work and other neuro mindset techniques that really do help and can power you up from within!!!   Just click here to connect with me to discuss further. 

With Love and Angel Blessings
Lamanda <3



Lamanda is a Mind, Body, and Soul Coach –  NLP Master Practioner / Mindset/Life Coach, Angel Intuitive, Angel Alchemy Healer, and offers various services to support others to live in their full potential to create a fabulous and successful life. To review the services she offers click here

Angel News – April Energy Update – Empathy Overload

  Angel News – April Energy Update – Empathy Overload  Hi Lovely One,  I hope you have been keeping well and managed to get through March ok? I wanted to drop in to give you some of the messages and guidance that has come through for April. We have a lot of different energies occurring,… Continue Reading