Angel News – April Energy Update – Empathy Overload


Angel News – April Energy Update – Empathy Overload 

Hi Lovely One, 

I hope you have been keeping well and managed to get through March ok?
I wanted to drop in to give you some of the messages and guidance that has come through for April.
We have a lot of different energies occurring, (what’s new there) and those sensitives may feel like it’s a whirlwind of experiences…..and that can go in good directions or maybe more challenging directions!

This golden light I have been talking about in previous new letter emails is in fact upping its intensity for this month!  This light pouring forth is helping us to elevate ourselves from within for our greater good but at the same time does shine its power into the shadows to show us what we may need to know, accept and possibly let go of be it for ourselves on a personal level or in other ways outwardly in our life.

During these fluctuating changes many Sensitives, Lightworkers, Earth Angels, and Starseeds may feel they have reached their limit with some things in life and are experiencing “Empathy Overload”. This can mean your nervous system is overstimulated by too much information, and energies coming your way, be it via others, what you see out in the world, or what is being forced upon you – so with this “Empathy Overload” you could be experiencing lower emotional states, overwhelm, confusion, physical issues, aches and pains,  lack of motivation. Some may even be spiraling downward into depressive mental states.
The advice I am receiving is to pull back from anything, and anyone (if you can), that is disrupting your inner peace, making you feel anxious, or draining your energy by demanding your attention or being overly needy.  If you can’t pull back,  ask Archangel Michael to put a protective energy force around you. 

Remember your cup needs to be full before you can give to others.

Your boundaries may be TESTED and thus you may need to set some stronger ones so you can look after yourself at this time…. It’s really important to say “NO” when you need to and see this as an act of “Self Love” which your body will thank you for. 

April is not a time to feel overly obligated to do things you don’t feel are right and thus sacrifice yourself!  It’s a time to come back to yourself and allow yourself to lighten up from within, recharge your power, and let go of any overload sensations. 

Some may also be feeling that in the stillness of holding their own space to rest or chill out, there is a sense of “waiting for something else” and that something is unknown.  I just want to offer advice on the “waiting for something experience”.  Just allow yourself to feel it without trying to figure out what it is you are waiting for (this could drive you nuts!).  What you need to know about what is coming will come through at the right time. Trust! 

So right now it’s very important for you to look after yourself because you are re-aligning to the higher Golden Light frequencies and you need the time and space to do that.  When achieved this light will move you beyond any sensory overload to be able to rise above any current issues/events that are trying to drag you down in life and DISTRACT you from your true path and purpose. 

The angels also wanted to mention to call upon them for any assistance as you navigate these fluctuating waves of energy.  The angels really are here to help us all to remain more balanced, to be tuned into our own wisdom and intuition in order to know what to do which helps us to gain greater trust in ourselves which ultimately helps us all reach our highest potential. 
Many Senstives, Starseeds, Earth Angels, and Lightworkers, are here on Earth for a massive purpose. Just being on Earth at this time, makes a big difference without a “to-do plan” running your life 24/7. This is because of the frequency you hold naturally. And the way you go about in the world. This is assisting the process of the Earth evolving for the Golden Age to shine its light even brighter. “Being here now and being more present” is all you need to focus on and if you feel like you are experiencing “Empathy Overload” at certain times……  take a break. 

We have the Easter holidays coming up which is great, so do what is necessary to help you come back to your body and really tune in to feel what you need to do for the rest of this month.  You can let go of holding any weight of the world on your shoulders (as many tend to do ) as the world stage plays itself out in rather extreme and crazy ways.   Get out in nature, and ground and feel your strong presence connected to Mother Earth, and draw up her energy to support you and your journey of transformation as you bathe in this Golden Light with her.  The Heavens are literally shining down upon us all!  

And remember whatever arises in you, be it lower emotions (or higher ones). Look at this as a natural release and choose to let them flow out of you to clear all your energy layers linked to mind, body, and soul.  Choose not to cling to them, this is about being in the flow and letting what is to come up and for it to flow out. 

I also want to mention, that some if not many may be holding on to limiting patterns, linked to past trauma, hurt, abuse, and control that have shaped certain personality/behavior traits initiating a “holding back pattern” and a “pushing down” of Divine power. This high frequency of Golden light wants to shine on what that is, to make many of us aware of this,  because it blocks us!  And any awareness of what that may be is the first step in a transformational process to help us break free.

So a quick example that springs to my mind……  

Someone may carry a seed of “inner doubt” which halts their progress to move forward in life, which goes on to affect their belief system to not feel good enough, which leads them to feel inferior.  This inferiority complex then affects how that person interacts outwards in life, they may put up with bad behaviors from others, attract users and abusers,  and have an inner sense they don’t deserve any better.  They won’t even complain if something is wrong because they doubt themselves to be correct or don’t want to upset the apple cart!   Very often having an inner doubt about who they are can also lead to people-pleasing behaviors and being manipulated by others.  This is because there is a tendency to put others before themselves which also includes they likely trust others more than themselves.

We must remember we are all equal, no one is better than anyone else and we must trust ourselves first and foremost over anyone else.
So if we can shift any inner doubt to come to know the truth of who we are as Divine beings and know we do deserve better, and can have a life we love to live…… life will then show that to us.  

I used to say doubting those doubts can help,  but over time I have come to know that doubt attaches itself to so many layers of our psyche.  However, removing the first seed of doubt when that was laid upon us can be the key to changing everything for the better, and then what gets replaced in that space can be “what is needed instead” and I won’t name that because those needs can be different for everyone.

So remember this month, if you do feel the Empathy Overload, pull back and come back to you to figure out what you need to feel lighter, and more attuned to your truth without any doubts about who you are.

A few other things you may experience this month in these light frequencies are: intense dream states, lucid dreaming, astral traveling, timeline jumping – i.e. time is acting weird on you,  you may not know what day it is, and other experiences like time speeding up or slowing down.  More synchronistic and  DeJaVu moments. Sleeping issues.  Having trouble with electronics, things not working properly, or breaking. Having difficulties in actioning on things, feeling like you are being ‘blocked” but then it rights itself –  but it’s like going round the houses or the long route to that completion! 

The angels bring this message to support you too:

Beloved One,

If only you knew how powerful you are and if only you knew what that could do for you.

Divine Power carries a transformational force, that can create, and it can also destroy.

Divine Power is what you are made of and you can use your power in a way that serves your highest destiny to create something truly auspicious in your own life that serves you and also the whole.  

And Divine power can destroy all that is ready to be moved on and transformed into something better too.

This Power is to be used wisely and with a conscious awareness of the implications of those transformative forces it holds.

So if you use it wisely and for the good, those actions will reap many rewards in your life and the lives of others.

If you use it unwisely, or with the intention to harm there is an expectation to experience the consequences of those actions for Divine Power will always be trying to teach you a better way by giving you the experience to go through that will match the level of your misunderstanding, mistakes or mis- intentions.  This is not done to harm you, or punish you it’s done to teach you more about how truly powerful you really are and how to use your power wisely.

Getting to know how powerful you are,  asks you to let go of any doubts about who you are and what you are capable of, and all the restrictions self-doubt creates.

Divine Power is your true essence.  There is no doubt about that from our standpoint and the standpoint of the “One” powerful force we all spring from together.

And right now in this “Age of Light and Truth” that shines so brightly, it is a very good time to choose to “POWER UP” rather than power down.

Powering down is an old-world imprint, laid upon you from the past to keep you feeling less and forgetting who you truly are.  That time is now over.

POWERING UP  is the Golden Age, the Age of Divinity calling to the truth of who you are and to know your true worthiness so you can create what you so deserve so you live in Heaven on Earth. 

With Love and Angel Blessings
Lamanda x

Angel Alchemy Healing can help set yourself free of any inner doubts about who you are,  it can clear the energetic overlay of the first seed being implanted in you that has kept you living in a false construct of who you are and how life should be or what you are prepared to put up with (on so many levels).  Removing the seed of doubt can set you free, so you can regain the connection to the true power you hold as a Divine Being that is here on Earth for a big purpose to take us into the Golden Age by you believing in yourself! 



This modality is a Divinely guided transformative healing process using a pure and Divine high frequency of light coming through, the Seraphim Angels and Archangels, who are pure Divine Light and they offer this amazing transformative energy to heal, rebalance and recalibrate our light bodies.  

I have been helping others (by acting as a conduit for these angels) by rebalancing their whole light body, auric layers, and energy chakra system so more balance and harmony is achieved for the whole bodily system to work at its higher potential.

This work is profound, it literally does offer a reset and also can also release some lower energies linked to past wounds, trauma, and difficult life situations that have impacted us and left a residue or scar in our energy field which can affect how we feel and what we do and also our health be it mental, emotional or physical.  I have also removed some interesting lower energy entities from some clients they picked up somewhere, (this does happen from time to time and is not a reflection of who the person is, these entities are attracted to light because they have none themselves).  The lower entities were affecting their behavior and leading them astray in life so they were not serving themselves or others very well, it can for some be quite destructive behavior patterns.   Once removed they felt so much better and they got on with their life in a much better way that was not being influenced by a lower force to cause aggravation and negativity in their life. 
What is wonderful is that these Angel Alchemy Energy Healing sessions can be done in person with me at my home studio or online.   

I had a lovely testimonial from a client recently who normally would come for a face-to-face session but she chose to do a session online.

There is an ethereal quality to Lamanda that is evident as soon as she comes into your energy field. I have done many of her workshops over the years and I have also worked with her as my therapist in face-to-face and being physically present for healing sessions such as Chakra Balancing,  Angel Alchemy, and Soul Connection Therapy Sessions.
Today was the first time that we had done an online Angel Alchemy Session and I am left in absolute Awe and Wonderment that all of Lamanda’s gifts and her multitudes of different energy healing layers and dimensions within which she operates are all perfectly accessible to her clients in an online environment.
The first part of our session was an easy talk therapy Zoom session which progressed effortlessly to me setting up my IPAD and lying down on my bed whilst she was in her studio remotely but totally connected to me and the healing process.
It felt like she was right there in the same room as me or as if I was actually lying on her treatment table surrounded by her presence and energy as I have previously experienced in person.
Lamanda is one of life’s true gifts and it is lovely to know that she can connect with people wherever they are on the planet.
It is great to know that globally, even in an online environment, her healing energy can reach whoever needs it no matter how remote their location.
Thank you for your wonderful healing energy and the Angelic Connection that you bring into every area of your work which makes everything you do feel so very much needed and special 💚 C H.

So if you feel out of sorts, have lost your mojo, feel deflated, defeated in some way, and need a boost in the right direction to help you feel better and/or clear some old stuff you may be intuiting you have been holding onto to affect your life negatively feel free to contact me for a session to help yourself feel better and lift yourself up again. 

These sessions are $133.00 NZD and can be done face-to-face at my home studio in West Auckland NZ or online via Zoom, Messenger video, or Skype. They normally last for about an hour (minimum) but I always say to allow a bit more time as I don’t want to rush what is needed to be done on the day. You may also get some messages from the angels and your guides to help you going forward during the session.  

You can also book via my website by clicking here 



So ending it there for today, thanks for being here.  I am wishing you a wonderful weekend and Easter Break and I will be back soon with some more angel news later in the month. 
Love and Angel Blessings
Lamanda x

Lamanda is a Mind, Body and Soul Coach –  NLP Master Practioner / Mindset/Life Coach, Angel Intuitive, Angel Alchemy Healer, and offers various services to support others to live in their full potential to create a fabulous and successful life.

To review the services she offers, visit her website by Clicking Here 

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