Archangel Raziel

Archangel Raziel has really helped me in my life with my own personal awakening and guided me towards my soul and life purpose too.

Archangel Raziel name means “The Secrets of God”.  It has been written that Raziel is so close to the throne of God that he hears and writes down everything that comes from God!  This makes him an Archangel that knows the wisdom of God/Divine/Universe – a very powerful and wise Archangel indeed!

In my experience Raziel’s persona is very much like a wise wizard with huge rainbow wings, he is very tall magical, very wise and holds a serene presence.  His serenity comes from the wisdom he holds, as he just knows so much about everything, he can also see the bigger picture of life playing out and how it’s all meant to be as it is.  It’s way beyond what our human mind could really comprehend.  However, he can also impart esoteric knowledge to those that connect to him which can be translated into everyday wisdom to be used in a practical way to help us in life and to assist our own healing.  One big message I got from him once was “if you can understand something and share it in a simple way for all to understand, you really do know it. If you can’t explain it simply then more work is needed to help yourself fully understand it”.  That made so much sense to me.

In my experience of working with him I have also found he holds amazing “Archangel Alchemy” powers (along with a few other of the Archangels) and assists the alchemic transformation of transmuting what no longer serves us in life (which we can consider as base) into something that does (which we can consider as gold).   Over this last year or so I have worked with Raziel for the Angel Alchemy Healing Sessions – he gave me insight and guidance to facilitate these sessions and it has been amazing what comes through to assist the healing process for myself and others on all sorts of levels which can also include healing of some past life issues too.

Raziel’s aura is a rainbow and when he is around you may see more rainbows than normal that just seem to pop up out of nowhere whether it be a rainbow due to the weather, rainbow light reflections or pictures of rainbows etc.  I sometimes see flickers of rainbow light in my peripheral vision that informs me he is nearby.  I had a few whilst writing this!  And at one time not long ago,  I sensed a huge presence of him around me embracing me – I could feel his immense power along with seeing a flicker of rainbow light all around me in my peripheral vision – it was almost like a flicker of a fire rainbow but without any heat.  Funny enough I have always been drawn to rainbows and as a child, my mum once called me “little miss rainbow” and made me a rainbow dress.   I do now believe Raziel was around me as a child as I would often see rainbow orbs – and I used to think they were bubbles floating in the air but no one else could see them. 

Raziel is also the keeper of ancient wisdom and of course the secrets of the Universe! He can shine light onto darkness and can easily connect with those whose life purpose may involve abstract or metaphysical ideas, and principles such as sacred geometry, angelic magic, alchemy, quantum physics, numerology, astrology, the true aspects of time, telepathy, remote viewing, ley lines, the crystalline grid, manifestation and awareness beyond the physical.  So if this interests you, you can ask him to guide you to learn more about this to help you grow and evolve your own wisdom and also develop your own psychic abilities too.   He has been a very important celestial connection to do this for me.

Raziel can also see into our personal soul book or  “Akashic Records” which holds information about our soul contracts and all our past life information.   With this, he can help us recall past life soul lessons to help us in this lifetime.  Or help to heal past life trauma, memories or personal issues such as fears, habits or addictions that may be holding us back us to live more aligned with our true Divine nature.

He can also undo any past life vows we may have made that affect our lives now too.  So, for instance, if you’ve made past life vow of self-sacrifice and poverty because in a past life you were living in a monastery and didn’t need to deal with money at that time, you may have made a vow about not wanting money/wealth. You may have also renounced all riches/abundance because it may have even been seen as a sin against your religious beliefs at the time and this vow, if it’s still in force, could be affecting your life now and may show up in your life as having ongoing financial difficulties/poverty whereby you can’t seem to get on top of your finances however hard you try.  Well, Raziel can undo and release that vow for you if you ask him.  In my experience with this, there maybe certain life lessons that are also needed to be learned first before it is fully released that have to do with raising the levels of our self-worth too.  So, with that we have to understand our true value in this lifetime, so we don’t underrate ourself or put ourself down.

This can apply to money but also in our personal relationships, standards of living, self-esteem, self-worth.  I had to raise up my self-worth to help me believe I was equal to anyone else, to know I was worthy just as much as anyone else.  For a long time, I felt so inferior and I would put up with people taking advantage of me, or people-pleasing to be liked, or taking on low paid jobs that were way below the level of my abilities and just not valuing my talents and intelligence.  When I worked on this to realize I was worthy of goodness, greater abundance, and stepped up to higher levels of self-worth and self-esteem my ability to create greater wealth occurred that showed up via a better standard of living, work I love to do which was more aligned to who I was, fantastic friendships/relationships and a better flow of financial abundance too. 

I first fully connected to Raziel the day after my wedding up in Spirits Bay the very top point of New Zealand.  I got married on 21 /12/2012 the end date of the Mayan Calendar and in a place wherein the NZ Maori tradition, the departed souls leave to go to Heaven.  How I ended up marrying at this place and time was completed surprise, I didn’t plan it at all!    Just 5 months before this date on my partners 40th Birthday, he asked me to marry him and he set the time, location and date – of course, I had to say Yes!  😊 We had a very private and small function (no bells or whistles) with just a handful of friends, no family on my side, but my husbands family were there.  We got married under a Pohutukawa tree – the NZ Christmas tree and offered a Maori blessing to honour the land for allowing us to marry there and said our vows. 

During the afternoon my husband and I visited the beach and the sky above was split in two.  One side was clear blue and cloudless, and the other was dark and full of grey clouds. By seeing that I just knew it was a sign of the balance between light and dark and it was the heaven’s shining down upon us all.  The next morning during a meditation Raziel made contact with me.  He told me he would teach me to see the light of the soul to help people know who they are and to help them move onto their true life and soul purpose.  But first, he would guide me into understanding my own soul because it was my time for the manifestation of my life purpose path to truly start to unfold!  Very profound!

After our wedding, at our new home in the countryside (we moved just before we got married) a new beginning awaited me. I was astounded by his message and didn’t know what it really meant.  And just as he said he would, over the next 3 to 4 months, he guided me to understand my own soul by looking into its light to see the rays of light and get information from them.  He then he taught me how to do this for others and hence the Rainbow Light Soul Report readings were birthed.  Doing these type of readings has been an important task for me to take on, its been very important for some people who have found me to have this reading done too because it not only confirmed what they felt inside themselves to get confirmation of that, it also acted as a trigger too to help awaken them on their  journey of life and to step onto their true life purpose path too.

By understanding my own soul’s energy,  I could see the light and the shadow (ego) self, plus my soul purpose that was linked to my life purpose, I could also see my blocks that needed to be transcended to help me do what I do now and all the potential I have to use in this life  that is going to help me to create a wonderful life so that one day I could also help others too with the work I do now.

This particular reading has turned out to be like a guide that can be used for the rest of a person’s life to refer to when needed.  And over time these readings evolved as I did and will continue to do so.  If you want to read a bit more about this journey I had with Raziel and what I discovered about the Light of the Soul Click Here.

Archangel Raziel is a truly wise and magical Archangel, who can awaken our knowledge to our past and the spiritual and esoteric wisdom of the Universe to help heal us and awaken us to our own true Divinity to step to embody our true soul’s purpose.  He can help us see through the many illusions of life that shows up in our external world and also the illusions we may create for ourself when we are denial about something or running away from something to help us to see the greater truth about that too.     I also feel that his rainbow hue/aura connects to our own inner rainbow (energy chakra system) to help awaken them to light us up from within so we can shine our light out to the world coming from the better/higher aspects of who we are and act as a beacon to help and guide others too.

My personal work with him has been a very guided spiritual journey of awakening and transcending lower aspects of myself (my shadow/ego self) – it’s not been an easy journey at all because I have had to face myself in all aspects of my shadow, dive deep to understand it for what it is and then come to learn to love and accept this aspect of myself too.  It’s still an ongoing journey and this year (2018) has been one of my biggest years of working through a lot of inner stuff to come out the other end feeling more aligned to my own true Divine Light and in a higher love frequency too.  There is still more work to do of course – the journey is never-ending for any of us on an upward spiral of life. 😊

Next time, I will talk about Archangel Raphael, our truly wonderful healing Archangel “The Doctor” who can impart healing miracles in our life plus more and who has been a big part in helping me open my heart to give and receive more love.

Thank you for reading. 

Angel Blessings and Love 

Lamanda X


P.S If you enjoyed reading about Archangel Raziel and would like to receive the rest of the Archangel series directly into your email box, please sign up the Lamanda’s website by Clicking Here.  She will be sending out more information over the next few weeks/months as she completes the series. 

Lamanda helps people all around the world with her work as an angelic guide/intuitive, coach, mentor, teacher, and healer.  To find out more about what she does please visit her services page by clicking here

See the tab below for what has been written on the other Archangels so far! 

Copyright © 2018 Lamanda Brown

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